4 Dates under $20
Get in your coziest pajamas you own. Tonight, is all about going back to when you were young and carefree and did things like have sleep overs with friends!
Set up the living room with a mattress and loads of pillows. Think, 4th grade Pillow Forts. Yea….you know what I’m sayin….
Live dangerously and order pizza from your favorite greasy spoon. The kind that will give you indigestion later but will be worth it cause it tasted like childhood.
If you really wanna go old school, grab a VCR player and cassette and go nuts! Otherwise choose a movie from you formative years that neither of you has seen in awhile and get into the spirit of this. Let your mind go back to when sleepovers with your best friend totally rocked. As an adult, who could be a more important friend than the one you share your life with?
Throw the Jiffy Pop on the stove top and grab those paper plates and solo cups. Tonight, is not about will we or won’t we. It’s just a chance to connect, be silly and have some fun.
If you want to end with a little naughty fun, spice things up with Truth or Dare!

Take 4 index cards and write out a clue on each one that will lead your partner to their destination, the location where you are waiting for the date!
Start by placing the first card in the first place your partner checks when they arrive home. You want the element of surprise to be on your side with this.
If you really want to go all out for this, you can put an outfit together for your partner and leave it laid out on the bed for them with the first clue attached. A text message beforehand asking them to check the room when they get home will get this going.
The first clue should lead to the first destination. Get creative and use clues that only your partner would get (i.e. Next clue is where we had our first kiss) or you can just be direct (i.e. Down the street, turn left, then right….etc..)
Try to limit it to no more than 3 or 4 stops before your partner finds you. Remember it’s about fun not stressing them out!
This date can be as elaborate or as simple as you like. To keep it with the under $20 theme, simply find a spot for a picnic ala Lady in the Tramp style, where you can bring spaghetti and eat outdoors with a checkered tablecloth by candlelight. End the evening with a recreation of the kiss and a photo so you can remember your night.

This is one for when the weather is a little warmer. Or if you really want to be adventurous, bundle up and snuggle under the blankets to keep toasty!
Set up your backyard with tiki lights or just inexpensive tea lights.
Make a playlist on your phone that has songs like you would have found at your senior prom. Some slow, some fast, all fun to reminisce on.
Have your dinner outside and put away your phones.
Stargaze together, turn it into a game. The person who names the most for instance gets to pass of dish duty after you are done.
Once you are thoroughly relaxed and settled, pop on your music and just let go and have fun.
Dance like you’re the only two people awake, and if the mood strikes, slow dance with each other, underneath those stars.
Who says you have to have a destination in mind for it to count as a date?
Get in your car and grab your GPS. Give yourselves a certain amount of travel time.
Once you reach the main highway in your town, set the timer on your phone for either 20,30 or 45 minutes. Flip a coin to see if you are going to go Left or Right to get started.
Once that alarm goes off you have to pull into the closest town.
You can:
Find a restaurant
Find a coffee shop
Find the local bar who has free music playing
This date is all about being spontaneous and getting out of your comfort zones by planning to not have a plan!

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